Saturday, March 03, 2007

DESIGN [ iPhone ]

I. Have. To. Get. This. Phone.

This is why i love Apple. Beautiful design + innovative technology + usability = A must have.

Currently I'm carrying a non-state-of-the-art Nokia that resembles something pieced together from surplass mechno bits. It's crap and I have no desire to carry it with me all the time, much to the frustration of everyone who attempts to get hold of me. But this thing. I'm sure it will be with me everywhere, taking a shit, sleeping, eating, doggying the missus etc, you get the picture.

At the risk of starting this blog and immediately sounding like a nerd (if I haven't already) the days leading up to the iPhone Keynote were the closest I can remember to that feeling I had as a kid waiting for Xmas. The constant checking of the calendar, counting how many 'sleeps' I had left till the big day, etc. And when that day arrived, Duke and I raced from work to be ready at his for the 5pm (9am USA) start time, where we sat and not watched the keynote, but read a typed feed of the developing presentation.

You did read that right. We READ, line by bloody line everything Steve Jobs said on an updating minute by minute basis, punctuated by the occasional shout and cheer as the news was delivered.

I wonder whether that's fantastic or terribly sad. Either way I know I'd do it again as it was great fun and I really feel we were watching (reading) a landmark moment happening in front of us.

Footnote: yes I am also the sort of guy who waits, refreshing his screen to snag a place in a queue for a games system, I'm also a guy who waits with my girlfriend (now wife) for Star Wars tickets (with :cough: a lightsaber in my bag :cough) I'm also a guy who pays half what I paid for my current car, on a pair of rare sneakers and I'm also the sort of guy who leaves my gorgeous wife alone in bed while I paint/ sculpt Vinyl figures.

I'm ashamed......:)